Environmental Medicine
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Roels H, Bernard A, Fagard R, Joossens JV, Lauwerys R, Lijnen P, Amery A. Urinary cadmium and lead concentration and their relationship to blood pressure in a population with low exposure. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1984; 41: 241-248.
84-02-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Roels H, Bernard A, Fagard R, Joossens JV, Lauwerys R, Lijnen P, Amery A. Urinary cadmium and lead concentrations and their relation to blood pressure in a population with low exposure. CVD Epidemiology Newsletter 1985; 38: 64.
85-03-A (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Roels H, Bernard A, Fagard R, Joossens JV, Lauwerys R, Lijnen P, Amery A. Urinary cadmium and lead excretion and their relationship to smoking and blood pressure in a population with low exposure. In : On-Going Research on Smoking and Health 1984-1985 Directory, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Smoking and Health, 1985, pp 18-19.
85-23-A (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bruaux P, Claeys-Thoreau F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Lauwerys R, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Amery A. The relationship between blood pressure and environmental exposure to lead and cadmium in Belgium. Environmental Health Perspectives 1988; 78: 127-129.
88-13-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Yeoman WB, Fletcher AE, Markowe HLJ, Marmot MG, Rose G, Semmence A, Shipley MJ, Bulpitt CJ. Blood cadmium in London Civil Servants. International Journal of Epidemiology 1990; 19: 362-366.
90-01-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Yeoman WB, Fletcher AE, Markowe HLJ, Marmot MG, Rose G, Semmence A, Shipley MJ, Bulpitt CJ. Blood lead concentration, renal function, and blood pressure in London civil servants. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1990; 47: 442-447.
90-07-P (link to full text)
Lijnen P, M'Buyamba-Kabangu JR, Fagard R, Staessen J, Amery A. Erythrocyte concentrations and transmembrane fluxes of sodium and potassium in essential hypertension: role of intrinsic and environmental factors. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 1990; 4: 321-333.
90-12-P (link to full text)
Lauwerys R, Amery A, Bernard A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Claeys F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Fagard R, Lijnen P, Nick L, Roels H, Rondia D, Saint-Remy A, Sartor F, Staessen J. Health effects of environmental exposure to cadmium : objectives, design, and organisation of the Cadmibel Study : a cross-sectional morbidity study carried out in Belgium from 1985 to 1989. Environmental Health Perspectives 1990; 87: 283-289.
90-16-P (link to full text)
Buchet JP, Lauwerys R, Roels H, Bernard A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Claeys F, Ducoffre G, De Plaen P, Staessen J, Amery A, Lijnen P, Thijs L, Rondia D, Sartor F, Saint-Remy A, Sartor F, Nick L. Renal effects of cadmium body burden of the general population. Lancet 1990; 336: 699-702.
90-17-P (link to full text)
Staessen J on behalf of the Cadmibel Group : Blood pressure and exposure to cadmium: a population study. CVD Epidemiology Newsletter 1990; 46: 33.
90-27-A (link to full text)
Staessen J, on behalf of the Cadmibel Working Group. Cadmium, blood pressure and the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in the general population : a report from the Cadmibel Study. Acta Clinica Belgica 1990; 45: 359-360.
90-34-A (link to full text)
Lijnen P, Staessen J, Fagard R, Amery A. Effect of cadmium on transmembrane Na+ and K+ transport systems in human erythrocytes. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1991; 48: 392-398.
91-19-P (link to full text)
Lauwerys R, Bernard A, Buchet JP, Roels H, Bruaux P, Claeys F, Ducoffre G, De Plaen P, Staessen J, Amery A, Fagard R, Lijnen P, Thijs L, Rondia D, Sartor F, Saint-Remy A, Nick L. Does environmental exposure to cadmium represent a health risk? Conclusions from the Cadmibel Study. Acta Clinica Belgica 1991; 46: 219-225.
91-23-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Amery A, Bernard A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Bulpitt CJ, Claeys F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Fagard R, Lauwerys RR, Lijnen P, Nick L, Saint-Remy A, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs L. Effects of exposure to cadmium on calcium metabolism: a population study. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1991; 48: 710-714.
91-33-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Amery A, Bernard A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Bulpitt CJ, Claeys F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Fagard R, Lauwerys RR, Lijnen P, Nick L, Saint-Remy A, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs L. Blood pressure, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and exposure to cadmium : a population study. American Journal of Epidemiology 1991; 134: 257-267.
91-35-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Amery A, Bernard A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Claeys F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Fagard R, Lauwerys RR, Lijnen P, Nick L, Saint-Remy A, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs L. Effects of exposure to cadmium on calcium metabolism : a population study. CVD Epidemiology Newsletter 1992; 47: 39-40.
92-09-A (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Vyncke G, Lauwerys RR, Roels HA, Celis HG, Claeys F, Dondeyne F, Fagard RH, Ide G, Lijnen PJ, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs LB, Amery AK. Transfer of cadmium from a sandy acidic soil to man : a population study. Environmental Research 1992; 58: 25-34.
92-15-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Lauwerys RR, Buchet J-P, Bulpitt CJ, Rondia D, Vanrenterghem Y, Amery A, the Cadmibel Study Group. Impairment of renal function with increasing blood lead concentrations in the population. New England Journal of Medicine 1992; 327: 151-156.
92-16-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Amery A, Lauwerys RR. Impairment of renal function with increasing blood lead concentrations. New England Journal of Medicine 1992; 327: 1394-1395.
92-26-L (link to full text)
Sartor F, Rondia D, Claeys F, Staessen J, Lauwerys R, Buchet JP, Roels H, Bruaux P, Ducoffre G, Lijnen P, Thijs L, Amery A. Impact of environmental pollution by cadmium on the cadmium exposure and body burden. Archives of Environmental Health 1992; 47: 347-353.
92-30-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bernard A, Buchet JP, Claeys F, De Kempeneer L, Ducoffre G, Fagard R, Lauwerys R, Lijnen P, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs L, Amery A. Effects of cadmium exposure on the cardiovascular system and on calcium metabolism: results of a cross-sectional population study. In: Cadmium in the human environment : toxicity and carcinogenicity, Eds : Nordberg GF, Herber RFM, Alessio L. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Scientific Publications, Lyon, 1992, pp 263-269.
92-36-P (link to full text)
Sartor F, Rondia D, Claeys F, Buchet JP, Ducoffre G, Lauwerys R, Staessen J, Amery A. Factors influencing the cadmium body burden in a population study. In: Cadmium in the human environment : toxicity and carcinogenicity, Eds : Nordberg GF, Herber RFM, Alessio L. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Scientific Publications, Lyon, 1992, pp 101-106.
92-37-P (link to full text)
Thijs L, Staessen J, Amery A, Bruaux P, Buchet JP, Claeys F, De Plaen P, Ducoffre G, Lauwerys RR, Lijnen P, Nick L, Saint-Remy A, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F. Determinants of serum zinc in a random population sample of four Belgian towns with different degrees of environmental exposure to cadmium. Environmental Health Perspectives 1992; 98: 251-258.
93-02-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Vyncke G, Lauwerys RR, Roels HA, Celis HG, Claeys F, Dondeyne F, Fagard RH, Ide G, Lijnen P, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs LB, Amery AK. Transfer of cadmium from a sandy acidic soil to humans : a population study. CVD Epidemiology Newsletter 1993; 48: 35.
93-07-A (link to full text)
Staessen J, Lauwerys R. Health effects of environmental exposure to cadmium in a population study. Journal of Human Hypertension 1993; 7: 195-199.
93-12-R (link to full text)
Staessen J, Dolenc P, Lauwerys R, Amery A. Low level exposure to lead does not increase blood pressure in the population at large. American Journal of Hypertension 1993; 5 (part 2): 21A.
93-17-A (link to full text)
Staessen J, Lauwerys R, Dolenc P, Fagard R, Thijs L, Amery A. Hypertension caused by low-level lead exposure : myth or fact ? American Journal of Hypertension 1993; 5 (part 2): 21A.
93-18-A (link to full text)
Dolenc P, Staessen JA, Lauwerys RR, Amery A on behalf of the Cadmibel Study Group. Low level exposure to lead does not increase blood pressure in the population at large. Journal of Hypertension 1993; 11: 589-593.
93-20-C (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Dolenc P, Amery A, Buchet JP, Claeys F, Fagard R, Lauwerys RR, Lijnen P, Roels H, Rondia D, Sartor F, Thijs L, Vyncke G, on behalf of the Cadmibel Study Group. Environmental lead exposure does not increase blood pressure in the population at large: evidence from the Cadmibel Study. Journal of Hypertension 1993; 11 (suppl 2): S35-S41.
93-30-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bulpitt C, Fagard R, Lauwerys RR, Roels H, Thijs L, Amery A. Hypertension caused by low-level lead exposure : myth or fact ? Journal of Hypertension 1993; 11 (suppl 5): S485-S486.
93-39-A (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Lauwerys RR, Bulpitt CJ, Fagard R, Lijnen P, Roels H, Thijs L, Amery A. Is a positive association between lead exposure and blood pressure supported by animal experiments ? Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 1994; 3: 257-263.
94-11-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Bulpitt CJ, Fagard R, Lauwerys R, Roles H, ThijsL, Amery A. Hypertension caused by low-level lead exposure : myth or fact? Journal of Cardiovascular Risk 1994; 1: 87-97.
94-14-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Lauwerys RR, Ide G, Roels HA, Vyncke G, Amery A. Renal function and historical environmental pollution from zinc smelters. Lancet 1994; 343: 1523-1527.
94-16-P (link to full text)
Staessen J, Roels H, Lauwerys RR, Amery A. Low-level lead exposure and blood pressure. Journal of Human Hypertension 1995; 9: 303-328.
95-07-R (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Buchet JP, Lauwerys RR, Roels H, Thijs L, Fagard R, on behalf of the Working Groups. Environmental cadmium pollution and public health : the Belgian experience. Archives of Public Health 1995; 53: 9-34.
95-23-R (link to full text)
Staessen J. Low-level lead exposure, renal function and blood pressure. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België 1995; LVII: 527-574.
95-24-P (link to full text)
Buchet JP, Staessen JA, Roels H, Lauwerys R, Fagard R. Geographical and temporal differences in the urinary excretion of inorganic arsenic: a Belgian population study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1996; 53: 320-327.
96-06-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Roels H, Fagard R, for the PheeCad Investigators. Lead exposure and conventional and ambulatory blood pressure. A prospective population study. Journal of the American Medical Association 1996; 275: 1563-1570.
96-08-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Buchet JP, Ginucchio G, Lauwerys RR, Ginocchio G, Lijnen P, Roels H, Fagard R, on behalf of the Working Groups. Public health implications of environmental exposure to cadmium and lead : an overview of epidemiological studies in Belgium. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk 1996; 3: 26-41.
96-10-R (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Roels H. Human exposure and health cannot be overlooked in environmental monitoring programmes. Journal of Cardiovascular Risk 1996; 3: 1-3.
96-11-E (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Bieniaszewski L, O'Brien ET, Imai Y, Fagard R. Casual and ambulatory blood pressure not related to lead exposure in a prospective population study. Journal of Hypertension 1996; 14 (suppl 1):S34.
96-13-A (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Roels H, Fagard R. Hypertension and lead exposure. Journal of the American Medical Association 1996; 276: 1037-1038.
96-31-L (link to full text)
Vanderschueren D, D’Hooghe T, Spiessens C, Staessen J. Potential hazards for fertility of waterborne and foodborne environmental heavy metal exposure. Middle East Fertility society Journal 1998; 3: 11-17.
98-32-P (no link to full text available)
Staessen JA, Roels HA, Emelianov D, Kuznetsova T, Thijs L, Vangronsveld J, Fagard R, for the Public Health and Environmental Exposure to Cadmium Study Group. Environmental exposure to cadmium, forearm bone density and risk of fractures. A prospective population study in Belgium. Lancet 1999; 353: 1140-1144.
99-09-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Kuznetsova T, Roels HA, Emelianov D, Fagard R, for the Public Health and Environmental Exposure to Cadmium Study Group. Exposure to cadmium and conventional and ambulatory blood pressures in a prospective population study. American Journal of Hypertension 2000; 13: 146-156.
00-06-P (link to full text)
Staessen JA, Nawrot T, Den Hond E, Thijs L, Fagard R, Hoppenbrouwers K, Koppen G, Nelen V. Schoerters G, Vanderschueren D, Van Hecke E, Verschaeve L, Vlietinck R, Roels HA, for the Environment and Health Study Group. Renal function, cytogenetic measurements, and sexual development in adolescents in relation to environmental pollutants: a feasibility study of biomarkers. Lancet 2001; 357: 1660-1669.
01-14-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Thijs L, Den Hond EM, Roels HA, Staessen JA. An epidemiological re-appraisal of the association between blood pressure and lead : a meta-analysis. Journal of Human Hypertension 2002; 16: 123-131.
02-08-P (link to full text)
Van Den Heuvel RL, Koppen G, Staessen JA, Den Hond E, Verheyen G, Nawrot TS, Roels HA, Vlietinck R, Schoeters GER. Immunologic biomarkers in relation to exposure markers of PCBs and dioxins in Flemish adolescents (Belgium). Environmental Health Perspectives 2002; 110: 595-600.
02-20-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA, Den Hond EM, Koppen G, Schoeters G, Fagard R, Thijs L, Winneke G, Roels HA. Host and environmental determinants of polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons in serum of adolescents. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002; 110: 583-589.
02-21-P (link to full text)
Den Hond E, Roels HA, Hoppenbrouwers K, Nawrot T, Thijs L, Vandermeulen C, Winneke G, Vanderscheuren D, Staessen JA. Sexual maturation in relation to polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons : Sharpe and Skakkebaek's hypothesis revisited. Environmental Health Perspectives 2002; 110: 771-776.
02-31-P (link to full text)
Den Hond E, Nawrot T, Staessen JA. The relationship between blood pressure and blood lead in NHANES III. Journal of Human Hypertension 2002; 16: 563-568.
02-38-P (link to full text)
Den Hond E, Roels H, Staessen JA. “Sexual maturation in relation to polychlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons…” : Den Hond et al.’s response. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003; 111: A202-A203.
03-07-L (link to full text)
Den Hond E, Nawrot T, Staessen JA. Hypertension and low-level lead exposure : a scientific issue or a matter of faith ? Hypertension 2003; 42: 9e.
03-30-L (link to full text)
Vermeir G, Viaene M, Staessen J, Den Hond E, Roels HA. Neurobehavioural investigations in adolescents exposed to environmental pollutants. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2005; 19: 707-713.
05-09-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA, Fagard RH, Van Bortel LM, Struijker-Boudier HA. Endothelial function and outdoor temperature. European Journal of Epidemiology 2005; 20: 407-410.
05-17-P (link to full text)
Plusquin M, Nawrot TS, Staessen JA. Peripheral arterial disease and metals in urine and blood. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005; 113: A510-A511.
05-18-L (link to full text)
Nawrot T, Plusquin M, Hogervorst J, Roels HA, Celis H, Thijs L, Vangronsveld J, Van Hecke E, Staessen JA. Environmental exposure to cadmium and risk of cancer: a prospective population study. The Lancet Oncology 2006; 7: 119-126.
06-01-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA. Low-level environmental exposure to lead unmasked as silent killer. Circulation 2006; 114: 1347-1349.
06-27-E (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA, Roels HA, Den Hond E, Thijs L, Fagard RH, Dominiczak AF, Struijker-Boudier HA. Blood pressure and blood selenium : a cross-sectional and longitudinal population study. European Heart Journal 2007; 28: 628-633.
07-04-P (link to full text)
Koppen G, Verheyen G, Maes A, Van Gorp U, Schoeters G, Den Hond E, Staessen J, Nawrot T, Roels H, Vlietinck R, Verschaeve L. A battery of DNA markers to evaluate environmental exposure of Flemish adolescents. Journal of Applied Toxicology 2007; 26: 238-246.
07-07-P (link to full text)
Hogervorst J, Plusquin M, Vangronsvekd J, Nawrot T, Cuypers A, Van Hecke E, Roels HA, Carleer R, Staessen JA. House dust as possible route of environmental exposure to cadmium and lead in the adult general population. Environmental Research 2007; 103: 30-37.
07-45-P (link to full text)
Schutte R, Nawrot T, Richart T, Thijs L, Roels HA, Van Bortel LM, Struijker-Boudier H, Staessen JA. Arterial structure and function and environmental exposure to cadmium. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2008; 65: 412-419.
08-12-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Van Hecke E, Thijs L, Richart T, Kuznetsova T, Jin Y, Vangronsveld J, Roels HA, Staessen JA. Cadmium-related mortality and long-term secular trends in the cadmium body burden of an environmentally exposed population. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008; 116: 1620-1628.
08-26-P (link to full text)
Schutte R, Nawrot TS, Richart T, Thijs L, Vanderschueren D, Kuznetsova T, Van Hecke E, Roels HA, Staessen JA. Bone resorption and environmental exposure to cadmium in women: a population study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008; 116: 777-783.
08-28-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA. Genetic variation and environmental factors in biological and arterial ageing. Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België 2008; LXVI: 323-338.
08-47-R (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Staessen JA, Roels H, Munters E, Cuypers A, Richart T, Ruttens A, Smeets K, Clijsters H, Vangronsveld J. Cadmium exposure in the population: from health risks to strategies of prevention. Biometals 2010; 23: 769-782.
10-22-R (link to full text)
Nawrot T, Roels H, Vangronsveld J, Staessen J. Cadmium from zinc smelter emission and variation in cancer incidence: the hierarchy of evidence. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012; 21: 497-498.
12-13-L (link to full text)
Chaumont A, Voisin C, Deumer G, Haufroid V, Annesi-Maesano I, Roels H, Thijs L, Staessen J, Bernard A. Associations of urinary cadmium with age and urinary proteins: further evidence of physiological variations unrelated to metal accumulation and toxicity. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013; 121: 1047-1053.
13-46-P (link to full text)
Hara A, Thijs L, Asayama K, Gu YM, Jacobs L, Zhang ZY, Liu YP, Nawrot TS, Staessen JA. Blood pressure in relation to environmental lead exposure in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003 to 2010. Hypertension 2015; 65: 62-69.
15-02-P (link to full text)
Nawrot TS, Martens DS, Hara A, Plusquin M, Vangronsveld J, Roels HA, Staessen JA. Association of total cancer and lung cancer with environmental exposure to cadmium: the meta-analytical evidence. Cancer Causes & Control 2015; 26: 1281-1288.
15-31-P (link to full text)
Hara A, Yang WY, Petit T, Zhang ZY, Gu YM, Wei FF, Jacobs L, Odili AN, Thijs L, Nawrot TS, Staessens JA. Incidence of nephrolithiasis in relation to environmental exposure to lead and cadmium in a population study. Environmental Research 2016; 145: 1-8.
16-05-P (link to full text)
Sheng CS, Cheng YB, Wei FF, Yang WY, Guo QH, Li FK, Huang QF, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Wang J.G.. OS 06-03 Diurnal blood pressure rhythmicity in relation to environmental and genetic cues. Journal of Hypertension 2016; 34 (Suppl 1): e62.
16-38-A (link to full text)
Sheng CS, Cheng YB, Wei FF, Yang WY, Guo QH, Li FK, Huang QF, Thijs L, Staessen JA, Wang JG, Li Y. Diurnal blood pressure rhythmicity in relation to environment and genetic cues in untreated referred patients. Hypertension 2017; 69: 128-135.
17-02-P (link to full text)
Yang WY, Zhang ZY, Thijs L, Cauwenberghs N, Wei FF, Jacobs L, Luttun A, Verhamme P, Kuznetsova T, Nawrot TS, Staessen JA. Left ventricular structure and function in relation to environmental exposure to lead and cadmium. Journal of the American Heart Association 2017; 6: e004692.
17-06-P (link to full text)
Yang WY, Staessen JA. Chapter 27. Cadmium II. Cardiovascular effects of human exposure to cadmium: left ventricular structure and function. In: A Handbook of Environmental Toxicology: Human Disorders and Ecotoxicology. J.P.F. D’Mello (ed) 2020; CABI Publishing; pages 396-401 (ISBN10 1786394677; ISBN13 9781786394675).
20-07-C (link to full text)
Martens DS, An DW, Yu YL, Chori BS, Wang C, Silva AI, Wei FF, Liu C, Stolarz-Skrzypek K, Rajzer M, Latosinska A, Mischak H, Staessen JA, Nawrot TS, the FLEMENGHO Investigators. Association of air pollution with a urinary biomarker of biological aging and effect modifiers in a prospective population study: protective role of antioxidant vitamin K. Environmental Health Perspectives 2023; 131: 127011.
23-30-P (link to full text)