Niiranen TJ, Thijs L, Asayama K, Johansson JK, Ohkubo T, Kikuya M, Boggia J, Hozawa A, Sandoya E, Stergiou GS, Tsuji I, Jula AL, Imai Y, Staessen JA, on behalf of the IDHOCO investigators. The International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO): moving from baseline characteristics to research perspectives. Hypertension Research 2012; 35: 1072-1079.
12-28-P (link to full text)
Niiranen TJ, Asayama K, Thijs L, Johansson JK, Ohkubo T, Kikuya M, Boggia J, Hozawa A, Sandoya E, Stergiou GS, Tsuji I, Jula AM, Imai Y, Staessen JA, for the IDHOCO investigators. Outcome-driven thresholds for home blood pressure measurement: the International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome. Hypertension 2013; 61: 27-34.
13-01-P (link to full text)
Asayama K, Thijs L, Brguljan-Hitij J, Niiranen TJ, Hozawa A, Boggia J, Aparicio LS, Hara A, Johansson JK, Ohkubo T, Tzourio C, Stergiou GS, Sandoya E, Tsuji I, Jula AM, Imai Y, Staessen JA, for the International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) investigators. Risk stratification by self-measured home blood pressure across categories of conventional blood pressure: a participant-level meta-analysis. PLOS Medicine 2014; 11: e1001591.
14-07-P (link to full text)
Stergiou GS, Asayama K, Thijs L, Kollias A, Niiranen TJ, Hozawa A, Boggia J, Johansson JK, Ohkubo T, Tsuji I, Jula AM, Imai Y, Staessen JA; on behalf of the International Database on HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) investigators. Prognosis of white-coat and masked hypertension: international database of home blood pressure in relation to cardiovascular outcome. Hypertension 2014; 63: 675-682.
14-13-P (link to full text)
Aparicio LS, Thijs L, Asayama K, Barochiner J, Boggia J, Gu YM, Cuffaro PE, Liu YP, Niiranen TJ, Ohkubo T, Johansson JK, Kikuya M, Hozawa A, Tsuji I, Imai Y, Sandoya E, Stergiou GS, Waisman GD, Staessen JA, on behalf of the International Database on Home blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators.. Reference frame for home pulse pressure based on cardiovascular risk in 6470 subjects from 5 populations. Hypertension Research 2014; 37: 672-678.
14-28-P (link to full text)
Nomura K, Asayama K, Thijs L, Niiranen TJ, Lujambio I, Boggia J, Hozawa A, Ohkubo T, Hara A, Johansson K, Sandoya E, Kollias A, Stergiou GS, Tsuji I, Jula AM, Imai Y, Staessen JA, International Database of Home Blood Pressure in Relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators. Thresholds for conventional and home blood pressure by sex and age in 5018 participants from 5 populations. Hypertension 2014; 64: 695-701.
14-32-P (link to full text)
Niiranen TJ, Asayama K, Thijs L, Johansson JK, Hara A, Hozawa A, Tsuji I, Ohkubo T, Jula AM, Imai Y, Staessen JA, IDHOCO Investigators. Optimal numbers of days for home blood pressure measurements. American Journal of Hypertension 2015; 28: 595-603.
15-15-P (link to full text)
Aparicio LS, Thijs L, Boggia J, Jacobs L, Barochiner J, Odili AN, Alfie J, Asayama K, Cuffaro PE, Nomura K, Ohkubo T, Tsuji I, Stergiou GS, Kikuya M, Imai Y, Wausman GD, Staessen JA, on behalf of the International Database on Home Blood Pressure in Relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators. Defining thresholds for home blood pressure monitoring in octogenarians. Hypertension 2015; 66: 865-873.
15-33-P (link to full text)
Odili AN, Hara A, Wei FF, Ogedengbe JO, Nwegbu MM, Aparicio S, Asayama K, Niiranen TJ, Boggia J., Luzardo L, Jacobs L, Stergiou GS, Johansson JK, Ohkubo T, Jula AM, Imai Y, O’Brien E, Staessen JA, in collaboration with the International Database on Home Blood Pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators. Prevalence and determinants of masked hypertension among black Nigerians compared with a reference population. Hypertension 2016; 67: 1249-1255.
16-21-P (link to full text)
Ntineri A, Stergiou GS, Thijs L, Asayama K, Boggia J, Boubouchairopolou N, Hozawa A, Imai Y, Johansson JK, Jula AM, Kollias A, Luzardo L, Niiranen TJ, Nomura K, Ohkubo T, Tsuji I, Tzourio C, Wei FF, Staessen JA. Relationship between office and home blood pressure with increasing age: the International Database of HOme blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO). Hypertension Research 2016; 39: 612-617.
16-30-P (link to full text)
Juhanoja EP, Niiranen TJ, Johansson JK; Puukka PJ, Thijs L, Asayama K, Langén VL, Hozawa A, Aparicio LS, Ohkubo T, Tsuji I, Imai Y, Stergiou GS, Jula AM, Staessen JA, on behalf of the International Database on Home Blood Pressure in Relation to Cardiovascular Outcome (IDHOCO) Investigators. Outcome driven thresholds for increased home blood pressure variability. Hypertension, 2017; 69: 599-607.
17-07-P (link to full text)
Li Y, Thijs L, Zhang ZY, Asayama K, Hansen TW, Boggia J, Björklund-Bödegård K, Yang WY, Niiranen TJ, Ntineri A, Wei FF, Kikuya M, Ohkubo T, Dolan E, Hozawa A, Tsuji I, Stolarz-Skrzypek K, Huang QF, Melgarejo JD, Tikhonoff V, Malyutina S, Casiglia E, Nikitin Y, Lind L, Sandoya E, Aparicio L, Berochiner J, Gilis-Malinowska N, Narkiewicz K, Kawecka-Jaszcz K, Maestre GE, Jula AM, Johansson JK, Kuznetsova T, Filipovský J, Stergiou G, Wang JG, Imai Y, O’Brien E, Staessen JA, International Database on Ambulatory and Home Blood Pressure in Relation to Cardiovascular Outcome Investigators. Opposing age-related trends in absolute and relative risk of adverse health outcomes associated with out-of-office blood pressure. Hypertension 2019; 74: 1333-1343.
19-31-P (link to full text)